Weather Guidelines

Diocese of Pittsburgh Track - 2024 Season

Lightning or Thunder Policy

These guidelines provide a default policy to those responsible or sharing duties for making decisions concerning the suspension and restarting of practices and contests based on the presence of lighting or thunder.

  1. Assign staff to monitor local weather conditions before and during practices and contests.
  2. It is also advisable, when available, to use technology such as lightning strike detection devices, or commercially available lightning strike mobile phone apps, that indicate a lightning strike has occurred a storm is close enough to strike your location with lightning.
  3. Cancel or suspend play for 30 minutes and take shelter immediately when the following criteria are met:
    • Criteria to Postpone/Cancel: When thunder is heard, and/or a cloud to ground lightning bolt is seen, the thunder storm is close enough to strike your location with lightning. Depending on the judgment of the meet coordinator and projected forecasts either a) cancel the meet immediately or b) suspend play for thirty minutes (30) and take shelter immediately.
  4. Resumption of Play:
    • The “thirty minute rule”. Once play has been suspended, wait at least 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard or flash of lightning is witnessed prior to resuming play.
    • Any subsequent thunder or lightning after the beginning of the 30 minute count will reset the clock and another 30 minute count shall begin.

Precipitation Policy

  • Rain without lightning. Meets can be run in the rain. Any postponement (or cancellation) will be up to the discretion of the meet director depending on severity.
  • Rain with lightning. See “Lightning or Thunder Policy” above
  • Snow. Meet changes because of snow are at the discretion of the meet director. For safety purposes, meets should not be run (or postponed) if there is an accumulation of snow on the track.

Cold Weather Policy

Track Practice: Decisions are at the discretion of the individual coaches, but it is recommended to try to limit exposure of athletes to very cold temperatures. We recommend using the guidelines similar to meets (see below).

Track Meets: The ultimate decision on any cancellation will be left up to the meet director, but because of the longer nature of our meets (and extended exposure to the elements) it is recommended that a meet be postponed or canceled if:

  1. The wind chill temperature (i.e. the “feels like” temperature) is below 32 degrees with or without precipitation.
  2. Meets can immediately begin once the temperature meets the above temperature guideline.

Hot Weather Policy—Diocesan Rule (It would be a nice problem to have)

If the outside temperature is in the 90’s and the humidity is 50% or above, the athletic activity should be canceled. If it is very hot, but below the above level, the coaches and officials should take appropriate measures to insure student athletes get enough fluids and rest. In all cases the coaches of the home team has overall responsibility for taking common sense precautions.

As always, please use common sense, with the number one goal in any decision being what is in the best interest of the student-athletes. Because of limited meet dates and access to tracks (and the unpredictable weather of spring), it will be necessary at times to compete in "uncomfortable conditions", but this policy is intended to minimize the risks of exposing the athletes to the risks associated with extreme conditions.

Updated Wednesday, February 24, 2021

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